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How to workaround failures with Unicode filepaths?

Posted 7 years ago

(Cross-posted from Mathematica.SE)

The Mathematica's Kernel and FrontEnd currently work well with Unicode file/directory paths, but some other components of the system contain long-standing bugs which are source of troubles for the users, especially for the users from non-English-speaking countries.

The most recent version of Mathematica 11.2.0 still fails to Import a PDF file when its path contains non-ASCII characters: under Windows Import returns $Failed, under OSX it returns empty list. This is due to a long-standing bug in the component "PDF.exe" which is responsible for importing of PDF files:

Export["????.pdf", Plot[Sin[x], {x, 0, Pi}]]

The same is true for Importing Mathematica's native NB files as "Plaintext" due to a similar long-standing bug in "NBImport.exe":

Export["????.nb", Plot[Sin[x], {x, 0, Pi}]]
Import["????.nb", {"NB", "Plaintext"}]

The new in version 11 HTTPRequest/URLRead functionality also suffer from this bug. Here is an attempt to upload an image with non-ASCII filename to using the method from this answer:

Export["????.png", Plot[Sin[x], {x, 0, Pi}]]

  "", <|
   "Body" -> {"image" -> <|"Content" -> File["????.png"], "MIMEType" -> "image/png"|>}|>]]


And undoubtedly there are other components suffering from this bug because reports about problems with Unicode filepaths keep appearing on Mathematica.SE:

In the original dedicated Mathematica.SE thread two workarounds are given, each of which has its own set of limitations/drawbacks. Are there some other, potentially better ways to avoid failures with Unicode file/directory paths?

Reported to the support as [CASE:3965891].

POSTED BY: Alexey Popkov
Posted 5 years ago

I should note that due to a bug of this forum in the original post all Cyrillic letters are replaced with ?. In all cases where you see ???? please read it as ั‚ะตัั‚. You can find the most recent information on the subject in the original thread on MMa.SE:

POSTED BY: Alexey Popkov
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