This is Only a Test
This one is fairly straightforward. Form 60 concentric circles on the sphere centered at the point $(0,1,0)$. On each circle, take 10 equally-spaced points, stereographically project to the plane, and form a decagon from the resulting points. Now rotate the sphere and all the points on it around the axis $(0,1,0)$. The result (at least after adding some color) is this animation. This is a sort of discretized companion to my old still piece Dipole.
Here's the code:
Stereo[p_] := p[[;; -2]]/(1 - p[[-1]]);
With[{r = 2, n = 10, m = 60,
cols = RGBColor /@ {"#2EC4B6", "#011627", "#E71D36"}},
Join[{Reverse[#[[1]]], #[[2]]}]
{Blend[cols, ?/?],
EdgeForm[Lighter[Blend[cols, ?/?], .15]],
Table[Stereo[(Cos[?] {0, 1, 0} +
Sin[?] {Cos[t], 0, Sin[t]}).RotationMatrix[?, {0, 1, 0}]],
{t, ?/2, 5 ?/2, 2 ?/n}]]},
{?, ?/(2 m), ? - ?/(2 m), ?/m}],
PlotRange -> r, ImageSize -> 540, Background -> Blend[cols, 1/2]],
{?, 0, 2 ?/n}]