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DialogReturn not working in macOS?

Can someone confirm for me that DialogReturn is not working in Mathematica 11.3 on macOS? It is working in Windows.

The basic example in the documentation won't work: ref/DialogReturn

res = DialogInput[Button["text", DialogReturn[123]]];

In Windows, clicking the button closes the dialog box and sets res to 123. In macOS, the dialog box stays open; I have to click close (red circle) and res is set to $Canceled

POSTED BY: Eric Smith
4 Replies

On my machine the dialog box closes as expected. MacOS 10.13.6 and Mathematica 11.3.

POSTED BY: Gianluca Gorni

Thanks Gianluca, I would delete this post, but it might be worth keeping in case other come across the same issue I encountered. Restarting Mathematica seems to fix the issue.

POSTED BY: Eric Smith

The DialogReturn example you quoted works fine, running on Mathematica version "11.3.0 for Mac OS X x86 (64-bit) (March 7, 2018)" on an iMac with Mac OS High Sierra 10.13.6. A wild guess - are the batteries in your cordless Mac mouse almost dead?

Thanks for replying Christopher.

I restarted my computer, which means the kernel restarted. After that DialogReturn worked fine. So something must have happened in the kernel, which means this would be a difficult bug to report.

POSTED BY: Eric Smith
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