I am using CUDA under Red Hat Linux RHEL 6.5 86_64 . ; I am using the NVIDIA driver and a GeoForce 630 Card.
entered this code
doubleFun = CUDAFunctionLoad["
__global__ void doubleVec(mint * in, mint length) {
mint index = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
if (index < length)
in[index] = 2*in[index];
}", "doubleVec", {{_Integer}, _Integer}, 256,
ShellOutputFunction -> Print]
Then I got the followng error
CUDAFunctionLoad::cmpf: The kernel compilation failed. Consider setting the option "ShellOutputFunction"->Print to display the compiler error message. >>
The shelloutPrint options returns the following eror
gcc: error trying to exec 'cc1plus': execvp: No such file or directory
Need your help. I code was extracted from Wolfram CUDALink documentation. As you may see, confusing because the cc1plus:execvp is not part of my writen code.