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Supported Library

Posted 10 years ago

I am trying to use the Modelica_synchronous library ( the Library loads just fine but when trying to run to 'check' some of the examples I receive a message like:

[18] 7:51:03 AM Validation of model Modelica_Synchronous.Examples.Systems.ControlledMixingUnit Error: [:0:0-0:0] Error occurred while flattening model Modelica_Synchronous.Examples.Systems.ControlledMixingUnit Error: [C:/Users/fspagna/Downloads/ModelicaSynchronous-0.92-build.2/ModelicaSynchronous 0.92/] Class Clock not found in scope Modelica_Synchronous.ClockSignals.Interfaces.

Validation of model Modelica_Synchronous.Examples.Systems.ControlledMixingUnit completed with errors.

The Library Release Notes indicates that:

Release notes• Version v0.92 (2013-09-19) ?The library uses the latest Modelica Standard Libary (MSL) version 3.2.1 (but still works with version 3.2). ?Added a couple of convenience source blocks for Real, Integer, and Boolean signals that are similar to the blocks found in the MSL, but have as output a clocked signal. ?Added a couple of source blocks that are parametrized in terms of clock ticks rather than simulation time. ?All new blocks are utilized in at least one test

So I am confused as to what the problem may be.

Thank you,


POSTED BY: Fulvio Spagna

MSL 3.2.1 is based on version 3.2 of the Modelica (language) specification and that's what SystemModeler supports. Now if you read about Modelica_Synchronous:

Free library to precisely define and synchronize sampled data systems with different sampling rates. It provides convenient to use blocks to utilize the new synchronous language elements introduced in Modelica 3.3.

So it requires Modelica 3.3 language features and that isn't supported by the current version of SystemModeler.


POSTED BY: Otto Tronarp
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