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Announcement about Mathematica 10 on MacOS 10.9.5

Posted 11 years ago

Announcement for Mathematica for Macintosh customers who have not yet installed Mathematica 10 and have upgraded to, or will upgrade to, MacOS 10.9.5 (or higher).

A revised download is now in User Portals ( ). It handles installation and configuration in a manner acceptable to Apple's new code signing convention.

NOTE: under the hood, this is the same that was available before. There are no new features or fixes.

Instead of the Drag-and-Drop installation method, this uses a more typical installer to put files in place. There is an accompanying Support FAQ article "How do I install Mathematica 10 on Mac OS X?" at .

Fyi, this installer takes longer to copy files from the DMG into /Applications/ - 10-20 minutes.

An alternative, if you have already downloaded the first 10.0 installer, is to use one of the workarounds given in .
(There are three workarounds - two in the top post and one lower down.)

POSTED BY: Bruce Miller
2 Replies

Has anyone out there tried this revised installer with MacOS 10.6 ??

Technical Support has one report of difficulty and we don't know if that is 100% or 0.1% of the people who have tried it.

POSTED BY: Bruce Miller

If you have difficulty finding or downloading the new installer, please ask Customer Service (, 800-WOLFRAM (965-3726) or 217-398-5151; in Europe, 011-44-(0)1993-883400,

If you have difficulty running the new installer or the Mathematica it installs, please contact Technical Support (, 800-WOLFRAM (965-3726) or 217-398-6500).

POSTED BY: Bruce Miller
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