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May I post Mathematica-created graphs on an Internet forum?

Posted 10 years ago

I'm thinking about publishing a tutorial on one of the mathematics-related Internet forums. This tutorial (if it ever appears...) will cover solving basic mathematical analysis excercises. Of course, it will mainly use BBCode and the forums' LaTeX, but it would be nice if some graphs appeared from time to time...

I bought a one-year Mathematica student edition. May I safely use it to generate these graphs? Are there any special requirements - for example, will I be obligated to state that these graphs were drawn by Mathematica? Or should I rather use gnuplot or draw these graphs myself?

Thanks in advance, Marcin

POSTED BY: Marcin Ga??zka
6 Replies

Off-topic reply. Presumably the user of your proposed tutorial is going to have Mathematica at his/her disposal. So wouldn't it be much more useful to create the tutorial in the form of a notebook where the user can directly try things, inserting new code, etc.? Or, at the very least, put essentially the same things into a notebook as are on the blog/forum.

POSTED BY: Murray Eisenberg
Posted 10 years ago

Thank You guys very much!

POSTED BY: Marcin Ga??zka

What David Reiss wrote is quite on target. In addition, you might want to cite or at least mention the software used in situations where others might be interested to know that information. But it is by no means required by the license, it is simply a courtesy to readers in situations where you have reason to believe they might wish to know that.

The internet forums may have their own requirements beyond the usual academic/authoring ones David noted, and what I note above might or might not also apply to those.

POSTED BY: Daniel Lichtblau

I read that part of the license agreement as a recommendation rather than a requirement (note the word "should" rather than "must"). Sometimes Mathematica is cited in research papers sometimes it is not. It makes the most sense to cite it if it was substantially used in deriving results. And the main reason from the point of view of research that I can think of for doing that is so that others who are trying to reproduce the results can do so using the original tool, or use a different tool to compare and determine whether any bugs were responsible for unusual results.

POSTED BY: David Reiss
Posted 10 years ago

Well, thank you, Mr. Reiss.

The problem is that, as I read in the Licence Agreement, "When publishing academic or research papers for which Mathematica was used, the Product should be appropriately cited as a reference and/or described in a methods section."

But a forum tuto is not really an "academic or research paper"... So I wasn't sure.

POSTED BY: Marcin Ga??zka

You can safely use the graphics that you generated yourself. If you use code that somebody else has written then you should probably ask them directly for permission.

POSTED BY: David Reiss
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