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Wolfram|Alpha: three equations with three unknown variables v1, v2 and v3

Dear wolframalpha users, I am not able to write system of three equations with three unknown variables v1, v2 and v3 into the wolframalpha.

Separate eguations works in wolfram but not together.

equation 1:

u*h*sin(2*alfa) = sqrt( (v2*u3-v3*u2)^2 + (v3*u1-v1*u3)^2 + (v1*u2-v2*u1)^2 )

equation 2:

h*h*sin(2*alfa) = sqrt( (h2*v3-h3*v2)^2 + (h3*v1-h1*v3)^2 + (h1*v2-h2*v1)^2 )

equation 3:

h^2 = v1^2 + v2^2 +v3^2

I have tried to write:

u*h*sin(2*alfa) = sqrt( (v2*u3-v3*u2)^2 + (v3*u1-v1*u3)^2 + (v1*u2-v2*u1)^2 ), h*h*sin(2*alfa) = sqrt( (h2*v3-h3*v2)^2 + (h3*v1-h1*v3)^2 + (h1*v2-h2*v1)^2 ), h^2 = v1^2 + v2^2 +v3^2

But the wolfram answer was: Wolfram|Alpha doesn't understand your query

Then I have tried this beta version site:

But the answer was: Not a valid input; please try again

Does anyone have any idea what is wrong?

Yours faithfuly, Rene Labounek

POSTED BY: Rene Labounek
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