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Find root not working when attempting on function defined by module

Please help! I'm attempting to utilize the FindRoot functionality on a function with three arguments that is defined in a module that uses NDSolve. FindRoot is not working! The module is because if input values, it solves it and provides an answer... Any help is GREATLY appreciated! Happy Thanksgiving! Please see code below:

In[30]:= ClearAll SetAttributes[{vhat, khat, w, c, xin, [Delta], v, j}, Constant] khat = .162 xin = .028 vhat = .017

Out[30]= ClearAll

Out[32]= 0.162

Out[33]= 0.028

Out[34]= 0.017

In[35]:= Clear[yOUT, yIN, ytest, nIN, nOUT, WronsFUN, [Lambda], w] WronsFUN[[Lambda], w, xoo_] := Module[{val}, Clear[nIN, nOUT]; nIN = NDSolve[{[Lambda] == -Iwx^(3/2) - vhatx/y[x]y'[x] - 7/2khatx^2/y[x]y'[x] - khatx^3/y[x]y''[x], vhatxin^(-1/2)y[xin] + khatxin^(3/2)*y'[xin] == y[xin], y[xin] == 1}, y[x], {x, xin, 1}]; yIN[x_] = First[y[x] /. nIN]; nOUT = NDSolve[{[Lambda] == -Iwx^(3/2) - vhatx/y[x]y'[x] - 7/2khatx^2/y[x]y'[x] - khatx^3/y[x]y''[x], vhaty[1] + khat*y'[1] == -y[1], y[1] == 1}, y[x], {x, xin, 1}]; yOUT[x_] = First[y[x] /. nOUT]; val = yIN[xoo]yOUT'[xoo] - yOUT[xoo]yIN'[xoo]; val]

In[37]:= FindRoot[WronsFUN[j, 21.67, .038], {j, .1 - .1*I}]

During evaluation of In[37]:= NDSolve::ndnum: Encountered non-numerical value for a derivative at x == 0.028`. >>

During evaluation of In[37]:= ReplaceAll::reps: {NDSolve[{j==(0. -21.67 I) x^(3/2)-(0.017 x (y^[Prime])[x])/y[<<1>>]-(0.567 x^2 (y^[Prime])[x])/y[<<1>>]-(0.162 x^3 (y^[Prime][Prime])[x])/y[<<1>>],0.101594 y[0.028]+0.000759018 (y^[Prime])[0.028]==y[0.028],y[0.028]==1},y[x],{x,0.028,1}]} is neither a list of replacement rules nor a valid dispatch table, and so cannot be used for replacing. >>

During evaluation of In[37]:= NDSolve::ndnum: Encountered non-numerical value for a derivative at x == 1.`. >>

During evaluation of In[37]:= ReplaceAll::reps: {NDSolve[{j==(0. -21.67 I) x^(3/2)-(0.017 x (y^[Prime])[x])/y[<<1>>]-(0.567 x^2 (y^[Prime])[x])/y[<<1>>]-(0.162 x^3 (y^[Prime][Prime])[x])/y[<<1>>],0.017 y[1]+0.162 (y^[Prime])[1]==-y[1],y[1]==1},y[x],{x,0.028,1}]} is neither a list of replacement rules nor a valid dispatch table, and so cannot be used for replacing. >>

Out[37]= {j -> 0.1 - 0.1 I}

In[38]:= WronsFUN[7.07812 - 1.98627*I, 21.67, .038]

Out[38]= 1.6058 - 0.555075 I

POSTED BY: david baughman
5 Replies

I saw the last response after recoding to get something workable. I thought I would show it so that there is a complete solution in the responses.

khat = .162;
xin = .028;
vhat = .017;

WronsFUN[\[Lambda]_?NumberQ, w_?NumberQ, xoo_?NumberQ] := Module[
  {val, nIN, nOUT},
  nIN = NDSolve[{\[Lambda] == -I*w*x^(3/2) - vhat*x/y[x]*y'[x] - 
       7/2*khat*x^2/y[x]*y'[x] - khat*x^3/y[x]*y''[x], 
     vhat*xin^(-1/2)*y[xin] + khat*xin^(3/2)*y'[xin] == y[xin], 
     y[xin] == 1}, y[x], {x, xin, 1}];
  yIN[x_] = First[y[x] /. nIN];
  nOUT = NDSolve[{\[Lambda] == -I*w*x^(3/2) - vhat*x/y[x]*y'[x] - 
       7/2*khat*x^2/y[x]*y'[x] - khat*x^3/y[x]*y''[x], 
     vhat*y[1] + khat*y'[1] == -y[1], y[1] == 1}, y[x], {x, xin, 1}];
  yOUT[x_] = First[y[x] /. nOUT];
  val = yIN[xoo]*yOUT'[xoo] - yOUT[xoo]*yIN'[xoo]; val]

With those definitions the following now seems to work as expected. Or at least not complain about working conditions, salary, or the like.

FindRoot[WronsFUN[j, 21.67, .038], {j, .1 - .1*I}]
POSTED BY: Daniel Lichtblau


POSTED BY: david baughman
Posted 10 years ago

The problem happens before you ever get to FindRoot

In[1]:= khat = .162; xin = .028; vhat = .017; {\[Lambda], w, xoo} = {j, 21.67, .038};
  NDSolve[{\[Lambda] == -I*w*x^(3/2) - vhat*x/y[x]*y'[x] - 7/2*khat*x^2/y[x]*y'[x] - khat*x^3/y[x]*y''[x], 
     vhat*xin^(-1/2)*y[xin] + khat*xin^(3/2)*y'[xin] == y[xin], y[xin] == 1}, y[x], {x, xin, 1}]

During evaluation of In[1]:= NDSolve::ndnum: Encountered non-numerical value for a derivative at x == 0.028`. >>

Out[4]= NDSolve[{j == (0. - 21.67 I) x^(3/2) - (0.017 x Derivative[1][y][x])/y[x] - (0.567 x^2 Derivative[1][y][x])/y[x] - (
    0.162 x^3 (y^\[Prime]\[Prime])[x])/y[x], 0.101594 y[0.028] + 0.000759018 Derivative[1][y][0.028] == y[0.028],
   y[0.028] == 1}, y[x], {x, 0.028, 1}]

So NDSolve is failing with the very first point. Study that until you can resolve the problem.

POSTED BY: Bill Simpson
Here is the code cleaner.  Sorry about that:

    SetAttributes[{vhat, khat, w, c, xin, \[Delta], v, j}, Constant]
    khat = .162
    xin = .028
    vhat = .017

Clear[yOUT, yIN, ytest, nIN, nOUT, WronsFUN, \[Lambda], w]
WronsFUN[\[Lambda]_, w_, xoo_] := Module[{val}, Clear[nIN, nOUT];
  nIN = NDSolve[{\[Lambda] == -I*w*x^(3/2) - vhat*x/y[x]*y'[x] - 
       7/2*khat*x^2/y[x]*y'[x] - khat*x^3/y[x]*y''[x], 
     vhat*xin^(-1/2)*y[xin] + khat*xin^(3/2)*y'[xin] == y[xin], 
     y[xin] == 1}, y[x], {x, xin, 1}];
  yIN[x_] = First[y[x] /. nIN];
  nOUT = NDSolve[{\[Lambda] == -I*w*x^(3/2) - vhat*x/y[x]*y'[x] - 
       7/2*khat*x^2/y[x]*y'[x] - khat*x^3/y[x]*y''[x], 
     vhat*y[1] + khat*y'[1] == -y[1], y[1] == 1}, y[x], {x, xin, 1}];
  yOUT[x_] = First[y[x] /. nOUT];
  val = yIN[xoo]*yOUT'[xoo] - yOUT[xoo]*yIN'[xoo]; val]

FindRoot[WronsFUN[j, 21.67, .038], {j, .1 - .1*I}]

WronsFUN[7.07812 - 1.98627*I, 21.67, .038]
POSTED BY: david baughman

You really should reformat so that input is clearly demarcated and easy to cut and paste. Also you might do better by making the function a "black box" that only evalautes on explicit numeric input. This can be done like so.

WronsFUN[\[Lambda]_?NumberQ, w_?NumberQ, xoo_?NumberQ] := ...

Don't forget to first Clear that function so as to remove the existing definition.

POSTED BY: Daniel Lichtblau
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