the best way to proceed is to create a vector-valued ARIMA process with two components.
Then based on this, you can build graphs as follows (replace "rFmode1" with the name of the process you defime on your own:
nssvmean = TimeSeriesThread[Mean, rFmode1["PathComponent", 1]];
spsvmean = TimeSeriesThread[Mean, rFmode1["PathComponent", 2]];
nsmup = TimeSeriesThread[Quantile[#, 0.95] &, rFmode1["PathComponent", 1]];
nsmdn = TimeSeriesThread[Quantile[#, 0.05] &, rFmode1["PathComponent", 1]];
spmup = TimeSeriesThread[Quantile[#, 0.95] &, rFmode1["PathComponent", 2]];
spmdn = TimeSeriesThread[Quantile[#, 0.05] &, rFmode1["PathComponent", 2]];
{DateListPlot[{indices["PathComponent", 1],
TimeSeries[nssvmean["Values"], {{2014, 11, 28}, Automatic}],
TimeSeries[nsmup["Values"], {{2014, 11, 28}, Automatic}],
TimeSeries[nsmdn["Values"], {{2014, 11, 28}, Automatic}]},
Filling -> {3 -> {4}},
PlotLabel -> "Nasdaq series with 3M projections bands"],
DateListPlot[{indices["PathComponent", 2],
TimeSeries[spsvmean["Values"], {{2014, 11, 28}, Automatic}],
TimeSeries[spmup["Values"], {{2014, 11, 28}, Automatic}],
TimeSeries[spmdn["Values"], {{2014, 11, 28}, Automatic}]},
Filling -> {3 -> {4}},
PlotLabel -> "S&P series with 3M projections bands"]}
DateListPlot[{indices["PathComponent", 2],
TimeSeries[spsvmean["Values"], {{2014, 11, 28}, Automatic}],
TimeSeries[spmup["Values"], {{2014, 11, 28}, Automatic}],
TimeSeries[spmdn["Values"], {{2014, 11, 28}, Automatic}]},
Filling -> {3 -> {4}},
PlotLabel -> "S&P series with 3M projections bands"]
{ListPlot[TimeSeriesThread[First[#] - Last[#] &, {nssvmean, nsmean}],
PlotStyle -> Blue, PlotLabel -> "Stoch CoVar Nasdaq mean difference"],
ListPlot[TimeSeriesThread[First[#] - Last[#] &, {spsvmean, spmean}],
PlotStyle -> Magenta, PlotLabel -> "Sotch CoVar S&P mean difference"]}
spath = RandomFunction[estPmod2, {1, 90}];
sts = TimeSeries[spath, ResamplingMethod -> Automatic];
sfunc = sts["PathFunction"];
gfunc[t_] := Join[{t}, sfunc[t]];
ParametricPlot3D[gfunc[t], {t, 1, 90},
ColorFunction ->
Function[{t, x, y}, (ColorData["TemperatureMap"][t])],
PlotStyle -> Thickness[0.012], PlotTheme -> "Marketing",
BoxRatios -> 1, AxesLabel -> {t, "Nasdaq", "S&P"}]