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FindCurvePath doesn't give reliable results for worm images

Posted 10 years ago

Hi guys,

I'm working on worm images. After image processing, a worm looks like this:

After Image Processing

Positions of the worm points / pixels:

wormpoints = Position[Transpose@ImageData[worm, "Bit", DataReversed -> True], 1]

Here's the problem:

The points are not necessarily ordered correctly, from the worm head (left) to its tail. I've tried ordering them by:

wormpointsordered = wormpoints[[First@FindCurvePath[wormpoints]]];

Unfortunately, this step is not very reliable. It should give me all worm points, but ordered. In reality, it sometimes gives me only 10 points. Sometimes even only 3 points!

Any ideas? Thanks


POSTED BY: David Thissen
5 Replies

Hi Henrik,

thanks for your response! And thanks a lot for the notebook file you attached as well! Your routine seems to be a lot more robust than FindCurvePath. I'm gladly using it instead!

While crawling, the worm uses only a very low-dimensional set of body shapes [STEPHENS, Greg J., et al. Dimensionality and dynamics in the behavior of C. elegans. PLoS computational biology, 2008]. I want to extract these body shapes. For the moment, I'm using a PCA, where I can reproduce a large amount of the body shapes with only the first two components / modes.

To find the modes, I need a functional representation of the curvature along the body. The more angles I extract, the more precise is this representation.

Thanks again, Best wishes,


POSTED BY: David Thissen

Hi David,

sorry for my late response - it is an interesting problem you brought up! Yes, FindCurvePath is not working correctly. I myself found this disturbing, so I eventually wrote my own routine. You can find this in the attached notebook; it should be self expaining. (The routine is not very much tested - I am not promising anything!)

You were thinking about extracting all the angles along the worm line. I can not think of anything meaningful to be done with this large amount of tiny angle values - if you do can, I am not saying anything. But how about starting with something very simple: Dividing the worm line into 4 equal (?) pieces. Then there are only 3 angle values which define the configuration of the worm (this way) completely. As the worm moves the changes of the angles in time can be represented by a 3D trajectory which can be visualized - this is always an advantage! If the motion of the worm is in some way periodic, the corresponding trajectories will most likely show a pattern. ... Well, just a suggestion!

Greetings Henrik

PS: If you ever try this simple experiment I would be interesting in seeing the result.

POSTED BY: Henrik Schachner

Ok, I think I found the problem: FindCurvePath split the worm into several curve paths.

Not what I wanted, but just taking the longest curve path

wormpointsordered = wormpoints[[First@With[{L = Length /@ FindCurvePath@wormpoints}, 
     Pick[FindCurvePath@wormpoints, L, Max@L]]]];

Seems to work for the moment...

Thanks, and have a nice weekend everyone!

POSTED BY: David Thissen
wormpoints = {{220, 276}, {220, 277}, {220, 278}, {220, 279}, {221, 274}, {221, 275}, {222, 272}, {222, 273}, {223, 270}, {223, 271}, {224, 269}, {225, 268}, {226, 266}, {226, 267}, {227, 265}, {228, 263}, {228, 264}, {229, 262}, {230, 260}, {230, 261}, {231, 
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wormpointsordered = {{221, 275}, {220, 276}, {220, 278}}
POSTED BY: David Thissen

By the way, in the end I want to extract the angles along the worm body, starting at the head (left, s=0), and ending at the tail (right, s=1).

ArcTan[wormpoints[[i + 1, 1]] - wormpoints[[i, 1]], wormpoints[[i + 1, 2]] - wormpoints[[i, 2]]]    {i, 1, Length[wormpoints]}

Maybe there's a much easier / better way to do this?!?

POSTED BY: David Thissen
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