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Towards a New Data Modelling Architecture

Posted 10 years ago


In this series we introduce progressively the art of a new innovative, exhilarating, data modeling methodology that is based on R3DM conceptual framework. We want to engage software developers, architects, data model designers and everyone interested in learning the advantages of applying this method and the main differences from the data models of the past. We start with terms and constructs that most of us are familiar with from the relational database management systems and we dive into some detail of the Atomic Information Resource unit at Part 2. For coding purposes, we picked Wolfram Language, the 25+ years of development programming language of Mathematica. Wolfram Language combines symbolic, functional and rule-based programming with a vast library of built-in functions, a computational knowledge engine (Wolfram alpha) and a huge database of curated data.

Relational Constructs

The entity-relational data model (ERDM) is still the most popular data model in database management systems. You can think many reasons for this fact but from the user perspective the main reason is the simple and natural way of managing data in tables with rows (records) and columns (attributes). On top of that, SQL is a very powerful and easy to learn programming language that covers completely the relational operators on data sets. In this article various methods of representing the basic constructs of the relational model are demonstrated with Wolfram Language powerful transformations. You may download our Wolfram Notebook and try our examples in Wolfram Programming Lab or Wolfram Development Platform. The structured data for our example can be found at our Github repository

Part 1 Relational/ER Constructs in Wolfram Language

Part 2 Atomic Information Resource (AIR)

Interesting, thanks for sharing this!

POSTED BY: Bernat Espigulé
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