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Grand kid support for Mathematica

I have 6 grand kids, ages 13, 11, 8, 9, 6 and 4 and all 6 are students, located in Minn & Oregon.

They are all computer literate.

They are all mac ipod, ipad users but I have a dual xeon phi linux box that will serve Mathematica 10 (single user).

Question, what is the least expensive way to serve Mathematica to all? Web, alpha or using NoMachine NX to my server?

Is there a family plan for students (I.e. a student multiuser license)?



POSTED BY: Ted Creedon
2 Replies

Though I like the Raspberry Pi idea and think your grandkids might have a great time playing with it, and easier (and less expensive!) solution is to get each of them registered for a Wolfram account/ID and get them using the Wolfram Developer Platform under the free account option. This gives them access to a cloud-based machine that does (nearly) everything the desktop version of Mathematica will do. And did I mention its FREE?

First thing that came to mind is Raspberry Pi where Mathematica and Wolfram Language are free. This is a way not only to learn programming but also have a lot of fun with various and Connected Devices sensors.

enter image description here

POSTED BY: Marina Shchitova
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