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Wolfram Mathematica folder in My Documents folder

Posted 9 years ago

When I startup Mathematica, it creates a folder in the "My Documents" folder on my Windows machine titled "Wolfram Mathematica". I want it to stop doing that. Alternatively, if it must create a folder on startup, how can get it to create that folder in a different location outside of the "My Documents" folder? Thanks.

POSTED BY: William Heller

One has

In[8]:= {#, ToExpression[#]} & /@ Names["*User*Directory*"]
Out[8]= {{"$UserAddOnsDirectory", "C:\\Users\\Bärbel\\AppData\\Roaming\\Mathematica"}, \
         {"$UserBaseDirectory", "C:\\Users\\Bärbel\\AppData\\Roaming\\Mathematica"}, \
         {"$UserBasePacletsDirectory", "C:\\Users\\Bärbel\\AppData\\Roaming\\Mathematica\\Paclets"}, \
         {"$UserDocumentsDirectory", "C:\\Users\\Bärbel\\Documents"}}

In[15]:= FileNames["*Wolfram*", {$UserDocumentsDirectory}]
Out[15]= {"C:\\Users\\Bärbel\\Documents\\Wolfram CDF Player", \
          "C:\\Users\\Bärbel\\Documents\\Wolfram Mathematica"}

so one has just to change DollarSignUserDocumentsDirectory permanently to move the "Wolfram Mathematica" folder.

POSTED BY: Udo Krause
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