I'll show how to use the low level FEM functionality to code up a non-linear Navier-Stokes solver. The documentation explains the details about the low level FEM programming functionality which I use here.
Here is the basic idea: After every non-linear iteration we re-create an interpolation function from the now current solution vector and re-insert those into the PDE coefficients and iterate until converged. This will not be insanely efficient but it works on a PDE level. Now, to tackle non-linear problems it's a good idea to get the linear version to work first. In this case this is a Stokes solver.
Here is a utility function to convert a PDE into it's discretized version:
PDEtoMatrix[{pde_, ?___}, u_, r__] :=
Module[{ndstate, feData, sd, bcData, methodData, pdeData},
{ndstate} =
NDSolve`ProcessEquations[Flatten[{pde, ?}], u,
Sequence @@ {r}];
sd = ndstate["SolutionData"][[1]];
feData = ndstate["FiniteElementData"];
pdeData = feData["PDECoefficientData"];
bcData = feData["BoundaryConditionData"];
methodData = feData["FEMMethodData"];
{DiscretizePDE[pdeData, methodData, sd],
DiscretizeBoundaryConditions[bcData, methodData, sd], sd,
Next is the problem setup:
? = 10^-3;
? = 1;
l = 2.2;
h = 0.41;
? =
RegionDifference[Rectangle[{0, 0}, {l, h}],
ImplicitRegion[(x - 1/5)^2 + (y - 1/5)^2 < (1/20)^2, {x, y}]];
RegionPlot[?, AspectRatio -> Automatic]

? = {
DirichletCondition[p[x, y] == 0., x == l],
DirichletCondition[{u[x, y] == 4*0.3*y*(h - y)/h^2, v[x, y] == 0},
x == 0],
DirichletCondition[{u[x, y] == 0., v[x, y] == 0.},
y == 0 || y == h || (x - 1/5)^2 + (y - 1/5)^2 <= (1/20)^2]};
stokes = {
D[u[x, y], x] + D[v[x, y], y],
Div[{{-?, 0}, {0, -?}}.Grad[u[x, y], {x, y}], {x, y}] +
D[p[x, y], x],
Div[{{-?, 0}, {0, -?}}.Grad[v[x, y], {x, y}], {x, y}] +
D[p[x, y], y]
First we generate the system matrices for the Stokes equation:
{dPDE, dBC, sd, md} =
PDEtoMatrix[{stokes == {0, 0, 0}, ?}, {p, u,
v}, {x, y} ? ?,
Method -> {"FiniteElement",
"InterpolationOrder" -> {p -> 1, u -> 2, v -> 2},
"MeshOptions" -> {"ImproveBoundaryPosition" -> False}}];
linearLoad = dPDE["LoadVector"];
linearStiffness = dPDE["StiffnessMatrix"];
vd = md["VariableData"];
offsets = md["IncidentOffsets"];
You could solve this stationary case, but we move on: The tricky part for non-linear equations is the linearization. For that I am referring you to Chapter 5.
uOld = ConstantArray[{0.}, md["DegreesOfFreedom"]];
mesh2 = md["ElementMesh"];
mesh1 = MeshOrderAlteration[mesh2, 1];
rhs[t_?NumericQ, ut_] := Module[{uOld},
uOld = ut;
ClearAll[u0, v0, p0];
(* create pressure and velocity interpolations *)
p0 = ElementMeshInterpolation[{mesh1},
uOld[[offsets[[1]] + 1 ;; offsets[[2]]]]];
u0 = ElementMeshInterpolation[{mesh2},
uOld[[offsets[[2]] + 1 ;; offsets[[3]]]]];
v0 = ElementMeshInterpolation[{mesh2},
uOld[[offsets[[3]] + 1 ;; offsets[[4]]]]];
(* these are the linearized coefficients *)
nlPdeCoeff = InitializePDECoefficients[vd, sd,
"LoadCoefficients" -> {(*
F *)
{-(D[u0[x, y], x] + D[v0[x, y], y])},
{-? (u0[x, y]*D[u0[x, y], x] + v0[x, y]*D[u0[x, y], y]) -
D[p0[x, y], x]},
{-? (u0[x, y]*D[v0[x, y], x] + v0[x, y]*D[v0[x, y], y]) -
D[p0[x, y], y]}
"LoadDerivativeCoefficients" -> -{(* gamma *)
{{0, 0}},
{{? D[u0[x, y], x], ? D[u0[x, y], y]}},
{{? D[v0[x, y], x], ? D[v0[x, y], y]}}
"ConvectionCoefficients" -> {(*beta*)
{{{0, 0}}, {{0,
0}}, {{0, 0}}},
{{{0, 0}}, {{? u0[x, y], ? v0[x, y]}}, {{0, 0}}},
{{{0, 0}}, {{0, 0}}, {{? u0[x, y], ? v0[x, y]}}}
"ReactionCoefficients" -> {(* a *)
{0, 0, 0},
{0, ? D[u0[x, y], x], ? D[u0[x, y], y]},
{0, ? D[v0[x, y], x], ? D[v0[x, y], y]}
nlsys = DiscretizePDE[nlPdeCoeff, md, sd];
nlLoad = nlsys["LoadVector"];
nlStiffness = nlsys["StiffnessMatrix"];
ns = nlStiffness + linearStiffness;
nl = nlLoad + linearLoad;
DeployBoundaryConditions[{nl, ns}, dBC];
diriPos = dBC["DirichletRows"];
nl[[ diriPos ]] = nl[[ diriPos ]] - uOld[[diriPos]];
dU = LinearSolve[ns, nl];
Print[ i, " Residual: ", Norm[nl, Infinity], " Correction: ",
Norm[ dU, Infinity ]];
uOld = uOld + dU;
(*If[Norm[ dU, Infinity ]<10^-6,Break[]];*)
, {i, 8}
You'd then run this:
uNew = rhs[0, uOld];
1 Residual: 0.3 Correction: 0.387424
2 Residual: 0.000752321 Correction: 0.184443
3 Residual: 0.00023243 Correction: 0.0368286
4 Residual: 0.0000100488 Correction: 0.00264305
5 Residual: 3.6416*10^-8 Correction: 0.0000115344
6 Residual: 8.88314*10^-13 Correction: 1.22413*10^-10
7 Residual: 1.50704*10^-17 Correction: 1.08287*10^-15
8 Residual: 1.24246*10^-17 Correction: 6.93036*10^-16
See that the residual and correction converge. And do some post processing:
p0 = ElementMeshInterpolation[{mesh1},
uNew[[offsets[[1]] + 1 ;; offsets[[2]]]]];
u0 = ElementMeshInterpolation[{mesh2},
uNew[[offsets[[2]] + 1 ;; offsets[[3]]]]];
v0 = ElementMeshInterpolation[{mesh2},
uNew[[offsets[[3]] + 1 ;; offsets[[4]]]]];
ContourPlot[u0[x, y], {x, y} ? mesh2,
AspectRatio -> Automatic, PlotRange -> All,
ColorFunction -> ColorData["TemperatureMap"], Contours -> 10,
ImageSize -> Large]
ContourPlot[v0[x, y], {x, y} ? mesh2,
AspectRatio -> Automatic, PlotRange -> All,
ColorFunction -> ColorData["TemperatureMap"], Contours -> 10,
ImageSize -> Large]
ContourPlot[p0[x, y], {x, y} ? mesh1,
AspectRatio -> Automatic, PlotRange -> All,
ColorFunction -> ColorData["TemperatureMap"], Contours -> 10,
ImageSize -> Large]

Which show the x-, y-velocity components and the pressure.
This is a re-post of the original made with authors permission.