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CloudDeploy clarification requested

Posted 9 years ago

I am trying out CloudDeploy and have a few questions. I have observed that a regular Mathematica license does not work and one must have Mathematica online. Right now we are doing a school project trying to build an interactive map. My questions:

  1. Every time we try to share the generated URL it requires login credentials for a wolfram account. I gather that if we purchase cloud credits this problem will go away. It would not be useful for us if a wolfram ID is required to use the url.

  2. The application is a text grid with some image mouseovers. It seems to run very slowly if not on the host machine. What are the system requirements?

  3. Should we expect this to run on Andriod/IOS phones and tablets?



POSTED BY: david p
9 Replies
Posted 9 years ago

For the record, on Android you can attach a mouse with a USB adapter and then its like a PC. But you can't expect the average mobile to have one.

POSTED BY: david p

Hmm, I know that there are probably settings that work just for mobile, but I would have to do some digging in the documentation. Let me see what I can find.

POSTED BY: Jennilee Benda
Posted 9 years ago

Thanks Jennilee. I like Toggler much better than Mouseover, and it works with Grid. Unfortunately still does not work with IOS/Android. Screen taps do not map to clicks.

POSTED BY: david p This might help, but I'm not sure if it will work in a Grid.

POSTED BY: Jennilee Benda
Posted 9 years ago

I am in pretty good shape now with the code. My last sticking point is the I am using a grid with Mouseover which works fine on machines with mice. On Android/IOS the grid displays (yeah!) but the Mouseover does not work. Any possible work arounds? I would need to map screen touches/taps to mouse clicks. Thanks again

POSTED BY: david p

Can you copy and paste some of the code you're working with? Maybe there are areas you could trim down the code to make it more efficient.

POSTED BY: Jennilee Benda
Posted 9 years ago

Hi and thanks for the replies. Using the Permissions->"Public" is a piece of the puzzle, but not the complete solution. I called Wolfram and yes a Mathematica License does not really include Cloud access (you get a very modest 250 cloud credits to try out). In reality you need PremierServicePlus, Mathematica Online, or Wolfram Development platform to freely distribute non credentialed urls to others. Additional notes are that Mathematica does not allow you to purchase cloud credits (without service plans). Mathematica online and certain tiers of Wolfram development platform do (beyond the monthly allocation). I am still looking for any speed tips as the cloud seems to have large latency.

POSTED BY: david p

David have you tried contacting Wolfram Support? - these sort of things will get a better clarification from the root of the tree. I do have a comment about:

Every time we try to share the generated URL it requires login credentials for a wolfram account. I gather that if we purchase cloud credits this problem will go away. It would not be useful for us if a wolfram ID is required to use the url.

Do you CloudDeploy or just share a URL to a cloud notebook? To view a cloud notebook one needs to sign in. But a deployed object does not require a sing in - you can go here correct?

CloudDeploy[Plot[Tooltip[{Sin[x], Cos[x]}], {x, 0, 10}], Permissions -> "Public"]

enter image description here

POSTED BY: Sam Carrettie

I haven't done much with the Wolfram cloud myself, but I do have a few remarks:

  1. You don't need Mathematica Online for Cloud Credits, you get a few of those with your (free) Wolfram account. I'm guessing you already have one since you're able to deploy to the cloud at all. Is it possible that you just forgot to set Permissions -> "Public" for your deployed objects? That's necessary if you want others to view your content, and public objects should not cause a login prompt.

  2. Everything gets sent to the Wolfram Cloud servers and then back to you, so anything from a slow connection to a low priority on the server can slow down your computations. You can always try to make your code as fast as possible on your own machine and then hope it'll be faster remotely as well...

  3. I suspect that anything purely browser-based will work in a lot of different browsers, or if it doesn't, it's probably worth a bug report. If you need to deploy a stand-alone app, then I have no idea what the limitations may be, sorry.

POSTED BY: Bianca Eifert
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