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Impact of a ball against a wall

Posted 9 years ago
POSTED BY: Varun Kulkarni
9 Replies
Posted 9 years ago
POSTED BY: David Keith
Posted 9 years ago
POSTED BY: Varun Kulkarni
Posted 9 years ago
POSTED BY: David Keith
Posted 9 years ago
POSTED BY: Varun Kulkarni
Posted 9 years ago
POSTED BY: David Keith
Posted 9 years ago
POSTED BY: Varun Kulkarni
Posted 9 years ago
POSTED BY: Varun Kulkarni

How do I do it similarly for a ball hitting the floor at y=0?

You just need kinematics for this. May be something like this? (this was for a HW assignment, so code is not very clean. Did it in about 3 hrs). Most of the code deal with handling the state of the running simulation (reset, stop, step, etc...) if you do not care about all of this, you can remove all that and the code will shrink to 10% of its current size.

enter image description here

 h = 1;
 g = 9.8;
 If[(statex == "RUN" || statex == "STEP") && statex2 == "",
  If[state == "down",
   delS = currentV*delT + 1/2 g delT^2;
   currentV += g *delT;
   currentH -= delS
   delS = currentV*delT - 1/2 g delT^2;
   currentV -= g *delT;
   currentH += delS
  distantTravelled += delS

 gr = Graphics[
    Line[{{-.3, -r/2}, {.3, -r/2}}],
    {Red, Disk[{0, currentH}, r]}
   PlotRange -> {{-.3, .3}, {-4 r, 1 + 4 r}}, Axes -> {False, True}, 
   ImageSize -> {300, 300}];
  gr = Grid[{
       {"height", "speed", "cycle #", "\[CapitalDelta]s", "direction"},
       {padIt2[currentH, {3, 2}], padIt2[currentV, {4, 3}], padIt2[n, {1}], 
        padIt2[delS, {4, 3}], state}
       }, Frame -> All]
       {Column[{"Theoretical", "total time"}], Column[{"Current", "time"}], 
        Column[{"Theoretical", Column[{"total", "distant"}]}], 
        Column[{"current", "distance"}]},
       {padIt2[tTime, {6, 3}], padIt2[currentT, {6, 3}],
         padIt2[tDistance, {3, 2}], padIt2[totalDist, {6, 3}]
       }, Frame -> All

    {gr, SpanFromLeft}}];

 If[statex2 == "pass",
  statex2 = ""
  currentT += delT;
  totalDist += delS;
  If[Abs@distantTravelled >= maxH,
   distantTravelled = 0;

   If[state == "down",
    currentV = e*currentV;
    state = "up";
    n = n + 1;
    maxH = e^(2*n)*h;
    currentH = 0
    state = "down";
    currentV = 0;
    currentH = maxH

 If[statex == "RUN" && currentT < tTime,
  tick = Not[tick]
 {{tick, False}, None},
       {Button[Text@Style["run", 12], {statex = "RUN"; tick = Not[tick]}, 
         ImageSize -> {50, 40}],
        Button[Text@Style["step", 12], {statex = "STEP"; tick = Not[tick]}, 
         ImageSize -> {50, 40}],
        Button[Text@Style["stop", 12], {statex = "STOP"; tick = Not[tick]}, 
         ImageSize -> {50, 40}],
         Text@Style["reset", 12], {statex = "STEP"; currentH = 1; 
          currentT = 0; n = 0;
          distantTravelled = 0; currentV = 0; maxH = 1; state = "down"; 
          totalDist = 0; statex2 = "";
          tDistance = If[e == 1, Infinity, (1 + e^2)/(1 - e^2)];
          tTime = If[e == 1, Infinity, Sqrt[2/9.81]*((1 + e)/(1 - e))];
          tick = Not[tick]}, ImageSize -> {50, 40}]}
       }, Frame -> True, FrameStyle -> Gray
      ], SpanFromLeft},

       {"Coefficient of restitution",
        Manipulator[Dynamic[e, {e = #;
            statex = "STEP";
            currentH = 1;
            currentT = 0; n = 0;
            distantTravelled = 0;
            currentV = 0;
            maxH = 1;
            state = "down";
            totalDist = 0;
            tDistance = If[e == 1, Infinity, (1 + e^2)/(1 - e^2)];
            tTime = If[e == 1, Infinity, Sqrt[2/9.81]*((1 + e)/(1 - e))];
            tick = Not[tick];
            statex2 = "pass"} &], {0, 1, .01}, ImageSize -> Tiny], 
        Dynamic[padIt2[e, {2, 2}]],

       {"Animation speed",
        Manipulator[Dynamic[delT, {delT = #} &], {0.001, 0.03, 0.001}, 
         ImageSize -> Tiny], Dynamic[padIt2[delT, {3, 3}]],

       {"ball size",
         Dynamic[r, {r = #; tick = Not[tick], statex2 = "pass"} &], {0.01, 
          0.1, 0.001}, ImageSize -> Tiny], Dynamic[padIt2[r, {3, 3}]],

       }, Alignment -> Left, Frame -> True, FrameStyle -> Gray]
 {{n, 0}, None},
 {{currentH, 1}, None},
 {{currentT, 0}, None},
 {{state, "down"}, None},
 {{statex, "STEP"}, None},
 {{statex2, ""}, None},
 {{distantTravelled, 0}, None},
 {{currentV, 0}, None},
 {{maxH, 1}, None},
 {{gr, 0}, None},
 {{e, .9}, None},
 {{delT, 0.02}, None},
 {{r, 0.04}, None},
 {{totalDist, 0}, None},
 {{tDistance, (1 + (.9)^2)/(1 - (.9)^2)}, None},
 {{tTime, Sqrt[2/9.81]*((1 + .9)/(1 - .9))}, None},
 TrackedSymbols :> {tick},
 Alignment -> Center,
 SynchronousUpdating -> True,
 SynchronousInitialization -> True,
 FrameMargins -> 1,
 ImageMargins -> 1,
 ControlPlacement -> Left,
 Initialization :>
   padIt1[v_, f_List] := 
    AccountingForm[Chop[v], f, NumberSigns -> {"-", "+"}, 
     NumberPadding -> {"0", "0"}, SignPadding -> True];
   padIt2[v_, f_List] := 
    AccountingForm[Chop[v], f, NumberSigns -> {"", ""}, 
     NumberPadding -> {"0", "0"}, SignPadding -> True]
POSTED BY: Nasser M. Abbasi
Posted 9 years ago

Works perfectly.

Say if I want to use Event Locator[] like the one I have used for the pendulum and solve an impact equation, do i use it inside Manipulate?

POSTED BY: Varun Kulkarni
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