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Impact of a ball against a wall

Posted 9 years ago

How do I simulate the impact of a ball with a wall a finite number of times (say 5)?

I could simulate the impact of a pendulum with a wall at x=0 (5 times). I used the Event Locator method for the same. How do I do it similarly for a ball hitting the floor at y=0?

q = {{\[Theta][t]}};
dq = D[q, t];
ddq = D[dq, t];

x = R*Sin[\[Theta][t]];    (*X and Y Coordinates*)
y = -R*Cos[\[Theta][t]];

dx = D[x, t];
dy = D[y, t];

KE = (1/2)*m*(dx^2 + dy^2);
PE = m*g*y;
L = KE - PE;   (*Lagrangian is the difference of Kinetic and \
Potential Energies*)

(*The constraint*)
\[Phi] = x;
d\[Phi] = D[\[Phi], q];

Eq = (Thread[
   D[D[L, dq\[Transpose]], t] - D[L, q\[Transpose]] == 
    0]);    (*Solving the Euler Lagrange Equations*)

ELtemp = Solve[Eq[[1]], Flatten[ddq]];

EL = {\[Theta]''[t] == ELtemp[[1, 1, 2]]};

p = D[L, dq\[Transpose]];
H = p.dq - L;

R = 1;
m = 1;
g = 9.81;

ICnt = 5;(*The impact is to be taken 5 times*)
\[Theta]zero = 
 Pi/2; \[Theta]dzero = 0; Tzero = 0;(*Setting the initial conditions*)

\[Theta]1 = {}; Time = {}; P1 = {}; Hset = {};

(*The calculations of the Lagrangian just before and after impact \
with the wall*)
FullSimplify[D[L, dq]*dq - L];
(*This is the condition just before impact and is constrained to hit \
the wall along x=0*)
  eq1 = (Thread[(D[L, dq] /. t -> Tplus) - (D[L, dq] /. 
         t -> Tminus) == \[Lambda]*d\[Phi]])];
(*This is the condition just after inpact and there is no constraint*)

  eq2 = (Thread[((D[L, dq]*dq - L) /. 
         t -> Tplus) - ((D[L, dq]*dq - L) /. t -> Tminus) == 0])];
ImpactTemp = 
  Solve[eq1[[1]] && eq2[[1]], Join[{\[Theta]'[Tplus]}, {\[Lambda]}]];

  i = 0, i < ICnt, i++, 
  Initial = {\[Theta][Tzero] == \[Theta]zero, \[Theta]'[
      Tzero] == -\[Theta]dzero};
  sol = NDSolve[Join[EL, Initial], {\[Theta]}, {t, Tzero, 10}, 
    Method -> {"EventLocator", "Event" -> R*Sin[\[Theta][t]], 
      "EventAction" :> 
       Throw[{Tend = 
          t, \[Theta]end = \[Theta][t], \[Theta]dotend = \[Theta]'[
           t]}, "StopIntegration"]}];
  \[Theta]sol = \[Theta][t] /. sol[[1]]; Hsol = H /. sol[[1]];
  \[Theta]1 = Append[\[Theta]1, \[Theta]sol]; 
  Time = Append[Time, Tend];
  Hset = Append[Hset, {Hsol, Tzero < t <= Tend}]; 
  P1 = Append[P1, {\[Theta]sol, Tzero < t <= Tend}];
  \[Theta]zero = \[Theta]end; \[Theta]dzero = \[Theta]dotend;
  Tzero = Tend
    \[Theta]finalsol = Piecewise[P1];
    Hfinalsol = Piecewise[Hset];

(*Hamiltonian and its Plot*)
(*Hamiltonian and its Plot

(*Hamiltonian and its Plot*)
Plot[\[Theta]finalsol, {t, 0, Tend}, 
 AxesLabel -> {t, HoldForm[\[Theta]]}]
Plot[Hfinalsol, {t, 0, Tend}, AxesLabel -> {t, HoldForm[H]}]

(*Plot[xsol,{t,0,10}, AxesLabel\[Rule]{t,x}]
Plot[ysol,{t,0,10}, AxesLabel\[Rule]{t,y}]*)
X[\[Tau]_] := R*Sin[\[Theta]finalsol] /. t -> \[Tau];
Y[\[Tau]_] := -R*Cos[\[Theta]finalsol] /. t -> \[Tau];

Animate[Graphics[{PointSize[0.02], PlotRange -> {{-3, 3}, {-3, 3}}, 
   Line[{{-1.5, 0}, {1.5, 0}}], Line[{{0, 1.5}, {0, -1.5}}], 
   Line[{{0, 0}, {X[\[Tau]], Y[\[Tau]]}}], 
   Point[{X[\[Tau]], Y[\[Tau]]}]}], {\[Tau], 0, Tend}]
POSTED BY: Varun Kulkarni
9 Replies
Posted 9 years ago

No problem. I enjoy this. I'm always learning something new in this forum. If the new question is on another topic, you might consider putting it in a new post. No one on this site minds seeing a lot of questions!

POSTED BY: David Keith
Posted 9 years ago


While going through the Wolfram Demonstration Project site, I came across an animation of a Trebuchet,

I was wondering if it is possible to animate the Trebuchet in such a way that the projectile of the trebuchet actually leaves the sling and makes impact against a wall at a certain distance say x='some constant'.


POSTED BY: Varun Kulkarni
Posted 9 years ago

And for "How do I simulate the impact of a ball with a wall a finite number of times (say 5)?"

This code counts bounces, and stops the integration at the top after the 5th bounce:

eqs = {x''[t] == 0, x'[0] == 10, x[0] == 0, y''[t] == -10., 
   y'[0] == 50, y[0] == 0};

events = {
   WhenEvent[y[t] < 0, {y'[t] -> -.9 y'[t], counter = counter + 1}],
   WhenEvent[y'[t] < 0, If[counter >= 5, "StopIntegration"]]

counter = 0; {xx, yy} = 
 NDSolveValue[{eqs, events}, {x, y}, {t, 0, Infinity}];

ParametricPlot[{xx[t], yy[t]}, {t, 0, xx[[1, 1, 2]]}]

enter image description here

POSTED BY: David Keith
Posted 9 years ago
POSTED BY: Varun Kulkarni
Posted 9 years ago
POSTED BY: David Keith
Posted 9 years ago
POSTED BY: Varun Kulkarni
Posted 9 years ago
POSTED BY: Varun Kulkarni
POSTED BY: Nasser M. Abbasi
Posted 9 years ago

Works perfectly.

Say if I want to use Event Locator[] like the one I have used for the pendulum and solve an impact equation, do i use it inside Manipulate?

POSTED BY: Varun Kulkarni
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