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What am I doing wrong? Contourplot command returning a blank graph

Posted 9 years ago

Hello, this is my first time using mathematica and I'm having some difficulty with the contourplot command. My assignment is to create a picture using the program, but a rather large number of the equations I'm attempting just don't show up when I enter them. I don't get an error message, the graph is just blank. And then there are others that just don't look right, like the third on in the example I'm about to give.

Here's are just three of the equations I'm having trouble with:

Show[ContourPlot[y == sinx - .05, {x, -1, 3}, {y, -7, 5}, 
  PlotRange -> All],

 ContourPlot[x == (.25 cos ( y)) + 4, {x, -5, 5}, {y, -3.968, -.7}],

ContourPlot[x == 25 (y - 2.58)^2 + .81, {x, 2.54, 2.6165}, {y, -7, 5}]]

It seems to be trig functions and functions of x I'm having difficulty with. I haven't learned this program at all yet so I'm sorry if I've done something glaringly wrong. Thank you!


Try with correct syntax and see if you still having problem. It should be Cos not cos and use [] for arguments, not (). Mathematica is case sensitive. So it is important to use correct syntax. You can't write sinx - .05, you need to use correct syntax.

POSTED BY: Nasser M. Abbasi
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