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Mathematica version 10.2 to version 9

Posted 9 years ago


I am using Mathematica with version number and have a workplace which contains dynamics (using Manipulate). I need to save my file (workplace) as a Mathematica with version number 9 with its dynamics working in version 9 (this is to send to my advisor). How can I save my file as a Mathematica version 9? If I could, will the dynamics work? If not can how can I plot the fits non-dynamically?


Mathematica notebooks (what you called a workplace) are not version specific. You can make a notebook in almost any version and use it in almost any other verison.

Sometimes there will we be differences in styling and how things look. Sometimes there will be some functions no available in the other version.

You cannot save your notebook as a "Version 9" notebook. Your notebook will work in both version 10.2.0 and version 9. It's possible you may have used functions that don't exist in version 9, although that's not very likely from what you're describing.

Go ahead and try using the notebook in version 9.

POSTED BY: Sean Clarke
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