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The enter key just evaluate my cells, without the shift key pressed

Posted 9 years ago

When i press the enter key (at any cases) it just evaluate the cell where i am, with and without the shift key pressed. Im asking for a solution that returns the enter key to his normal functions, because if i want to evaluate a cell, already exists the 'shift+enter' command.

thanks in any case.

5 Replies

If you are willing to add a registry entry, you can set the following:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Wolfram Research\Mathematica
DisableKeypadEnter = DWORD:1 (DWORD is the type, not part of the value)
POSTED BY: Ian Hojnicki
Posted 9 years ago

The enter key on the separate number pad of a keyboard works that way, the main enter key needs shift first.

POSTED BY: Paul Cleary

I dont have number pad so...

What kind of keyboard are you using? What OS are you using? Does it have additional Numpad Enter key? Do you use "sticky keys" feature? Also take look at this link

I have a normal keyboard (my laptop is an HP Pavilion 11), my SO is Windows 10 and i dont have a Numpad, so i dont have an extra enter key. I've never use the sticky keys, but maybe it is acctivated so as soon as i can try out your hints i'll advice you

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