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Problem with tick length and rounded ticks (ListLinePLot)


I have created a graph using ListLinePlot, which I would like to export for a presentation (see notebook attached). However, I have two problems with the ticks of this plot:

  • In the notebook and the exported figure, the ticks are very hard to see as they are too small. Is there any way to increase the tick length? I tried the package CustomTicks package from the following reference, but it does not work with code, i.e. with ListLinePlot. Any ideas?
  • Is there any way to make the caps of the ticks rounded? I find they look better if their ends have a curved shape. Similar to this, is it possible to make also the curves of the plot to finish off rounded?

Thanks in advance,


POSTED BY: Markus Schmidt
Posted 9 years ago

You can control the tick lengths if you specify them yourself using the FrameTicks option. In this case, the design of the ticks is specified by the syntax given by Ticks. (See both in the help system.) Unfortunately, unlike Thickness, there does not appear to be a style option for length. When you use FrameTicks, you have to design the ticks yourself -- by specifying the position, label, and length of every tick mark. I don't see a way to make rounded tick marks, other than through primitive graphics elements.

POSTED BY: David Keith
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