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A colleague of mine recently 3D-printed the tessellation of 3-space by permutohedra, so I started playing around with the permutohedron a bit. As I am wont to do, I ended up stereographically projecting the vertices to the plane, and then tried rotating. The final GIF isn't really anything in particular: it's basically a random assortment of techniques. I picked three particular rotations around the $x$-axis which produced nice stereographic images, connected the projected vertices by straight lines, and then did a very simple interpolation between the three configurations.
Here's the code:
First, define stereographic projection:
Stereo[{x_, y_, z_}] := {x/(1 - z), y/(1 - z)};
Then a general function for producing the edges of the permutohedron of order n, which naturally sits in the hyperplane in $\mathbb{R}^n$ given by $x_1 + \ldots + x_n = \frac{n(n+1)}{2}$:
permutohedronEdges[n_] :=
Select[Subsets[Permutations[Range[n]], {2}],
Or @@ Table[
Position[#[[1]], i] == Position[#[[2]], i + 1] &&
Position[#[[1]], i + 1] == Position[#[[2]], i] &&
And @@ Table[
Position[#[[1]], Mod[i + j, n, 1]] ==
Position[#[[2]], Mod[i + j, n, 1]], {j, 2, n - 1}], {i, 1,
n - 1}] &];
And now, since the permutohedron sits in a hyperplane, here's the matrix for projecting out the perpendicular direction:
permutohedronProjectionMatrix[n_] :=
Orthogonalize[NullSpace[Transpose[#].#]] &[{ConstantArray[1, n]}];
With $n=4$, I end up with the (vertices of the) truncated octahedron sitting in $\mathbb{R}^3$, which I'm going to stereographically project down to the plane. When rotating around the $x$-axis, these angles give particularly symmetric images:
landmarks = N[{0, 38 \[Pi]/125, 76 \[Pi]/125, \[Pi]}];
And, finally, here's the Manipulate
that puts the whole thing together:
Module[{s, cols},
s = 1/2 - Cos[\[Pi] Mod[t, 1]]/2;
cols = RGBColor /@ {"#b9d8de", "#f0a471", "#fae49e", "#1c818c"};
Graphics[{Blend[{cols[[Mod[Floor[t + 1], 3, 1]]],
cols[[Mod[Ceiling[t + 1], 3, 1]]]}, Mod[t, 1]], Thickness[.01],
CapForm["Round"], (Line /@ (((1 - s) # /. {\[Theta] ->
landmarks[[Floor[t + 1]]]}) + (s # /. {\[Theta] ->
landmarks[[Ceiling[t + 1]]]}))) &[
RotationMatrix[\[Theta], {1, 0, 0}].Normalize[
permutohedronProjectionMatrix[4].#]] & /@ # & /@
permutohedronEdges[4]]}, PlotRange -> 5, ImageSize -> 540,
Background -> cols[[-1]]]], {t, 0, 3}]