Hi Muhammad,
Probably this will help: make 'plot 1 + plot 2 and use Overlay'.
See example and details in file attached.
(* Step 1: make a plot with Ticks on y1 and Frame *)
p1 = Plot[Sin[x], {x, 0, 10}
, Frame -> {{True, None}, {True, True}}
, FrameTicks -> {{Automatic}, {{-0.9, "-1"}, {-0.5, "-0.5"}, {0,
"0"}, {0.5, "0.5"}, {0.9, "1"}}}
, FrameStyle -> Automatic
, FrameTicksStyle -> {{None,
Red}, {Directive[FontColor -> Gray, White], None}}
, PlotRangePadding -> 0
, ImagePadding -> 35
(*Step 2: make a the same plot with Ticks on y2 and Frame *)
p2 = Plot[Sin[x], {x, 0, 10}
, Frame -> {{None, True}, {None, None}}
, FrameTicks -> {{{-0.9, "1"}, {-0.5, "2"}, {0, "3"}, {0.5,
"4"}, {0.9, "5"}}, {Automatic, Automatic}}
, FrameStyle -> Automatic
, FrameTicksStyle -> {{None,
Red}, {Directive[FontColor -> Gray, White], None}}
, PlotRangePadding -> 0
, ImagePadding -> 35
(*Step 3: Overlay Plot 1 and Plot 2 *)
Overlay[{p1, p2}]