User Portlet User Portlet

***Rubi*** (***Ru***le-***b***ased ***i***ntegrator) is an open source program written in ***Mathematica***'s powerful pattern-matching language. The recently released version 4.15 of ***Rubi*** at requires...
Yes, the problem is the expansion of the factor $$\left(\frac{(c+d x) (b e-a f)}{(e+f x) (b c-a d)}\right)^{-n}$$ in my proposed antiderivative to $$\left(\frac{b (c+d x)}{b c-a d}\right)^{-n} \left(\frac{b (e+f x)}{b e-a f}\right)^n$$ in...
Thank you for your responses, but I know how to add the requisite knowledge to Mathematica. Mathematica’s Simplify function simplifies expressions of the form `Sqrt[1-Cos[n]^2]` to `Sin[n]` for all constants `n` in the interval 0 to pi, *except*...