User Portlet User Portlet

Hi, when installing R from InstallR["RHomeLocation" -> "C:\\Program Files\\R\\R-4.2.1"] I am getting this : Error: R.DLL version does not match(DLL:4.2.1, expecting:4.1.1) hope not to downgrade to 4.1.1 Thanks, Asad
Hi, I am looking for a book on Digital Signal Processing in Mathematica topic. Any nice video tutorial or preferably book link will be appreiated. Asad Kazmi
Hi, How can I record, Speak["Hello"] in mathematica ? Thanks Asad
Hi , My Mathematica CRASH while setting SetDirectory[] on version 10.4.1 on surface pro 4. I am currently using Home Edition. What to do ? Thanks Asad
Hi, Is there some way to pass the (x,y) coordinates position data to an array in real time I am using " PlotLabel -> Dynamic[MousePosition[]]" ?