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Vision functions no longer work after Updating
I still consider myself new with Wolfram programming, I've been teaching myself wolfram for about six months now and I've got a few programs to do stuff when I hit shift enter. Now I've been tasked to make a program that basically monitors a variable...
The end goal of this endeavor is to make an interactive site where users import pictures then slide some manipulate bars to set parameters which selects things from the image. We start with binarizing the whole thing, filltransform the image to fill...
Yeah. The identify command reads the image and picks the appropriate command to run on the dynamic image "im" (each magazine has it's own crop coordinates), and in the end I'm going to Text[Grid[title, Frame -> All]] the whole thing.
In broad strokes yes. That was the instructional video I referenced while writing out my question. I however am using the Wolfram Desktop Developer Platform to code, and it doesn't have that exact command. Like many things in wolfram you can do it...
Sander. Thank you. That's Perfect.