User Portlet User Portlet

Brett Champion
Usually having PlotHighlighting and Tooltips at the same time is frustrating since they're both reacting to the mouse, trying to put their popups in the same place, etc... As a result, PlotHighlighting -> Automatic turns off the highlighting if...
*MODERATOR NOTE: This is the notebook used in the livestream "Understanding Graphics" on Wednesday, December 13 -- a part of Wolfram R&D livestream series announced and scheduled here: Subscribe to [**@WolframRD**]...
Here's an example showing similar behavior, using ListDensityPlot instead of ListContourPlot. (The principles are the same, but it's easier to see what's going on). We generate some random data and a random polygon. We call ListDensityPlot with...
*MODERATOR NOTE: This is the notebook used in the livestream "Dive into Visualization" on Wednesday, August 24 -- a part of Wolfram R&D livestream series announced and scheduled here: For questions about this livestream,...
Join me tomorrow when we look at recently added visualization features, including extensions to scaling functions and ternary plots. I'll also answer questions as time allows and I'm able. Ask them here before the stream or during the live...
Right, so you could do something like: ParallelAxisPlot[{data[[{1, 2, 3, 7}]], data[[{4, 5, 6, 9}]], data[[{8}]]}, AxesLabel -> header, PlotLegends -> {"Sony", "Nikon", "Canon"}] ![enter image description here][1] and see that...
Add LabelingSize -> Full to the second PieChart: data = {13, 17, 22, 21, 20, 0.6, 1.3, 2.4, 0.8, 1.9}; largeData = Take[data, 5]; smallData = Drop[data, 5]; smallPie = PieChart[smallData, ImageSize -> Tiny, ...
Yes, this is a bug. You can work around it with `Method -> {"OptimizePlotMarkers" -> False}`. (I encourage you to send bugs directly to support (\*) to make sure they're properly tracked. You'll also be notified when they are fixed.) \*...
How about I widen the location? What makes you think you've got the right Jackson and Memphis? [mcode]allcities = CityData[]; jackson = Select[allcities, First[CanonicalName[#]] === "Jackson" &]; memphis = Select[allcities, First[CanonicalName[#]]...
x2 and x3 were eliminated using the linear equality constraints, so they don't show up in the StepMonitor.