User Portlet User Portlet

Does the engine work in link mode so that I can just have it going on my file server and connect to it multiple times throughout the day? I'm having a hard time figuring out how to run the engine with initiation file that has scheduled tasks that...
I actually have the same problem. Maybe windows will like better my putting the wolfram call in a bat file.
Yes, I crossposted this on stackexchange. I also found a solution to my own problem: To get the access I wanted, I just started over again with the docker build instructions listed on the stackexchange page: ...
Thanks, Rohit. That function does seem to list quite a few details about permissions. Generally, it seems to suggest that "basic access" means anything using the internet if the math kernel calls for it from Mathematica. It doesn't mean that a...
Yeah, the graphics wouldn't pipe over but still just for calculation it ought to work somehow...maybe some kind of manual link w/o front end...
The SystemInformation[] on 11.2 reports my graphics card as "NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTS". In fact the graphics card is a GeForce 960 and the rest of the computer seems to understand this. Is there a way to fix this? Chris
Thank you. I see now that using the floating point clears it up.
Here are two cases, one that works with Integrate, and one that doesn't. The latter is why I try to find an alternative using NDSolve[] Product[(x-i)^(-1/2),{i,0,2,1}] Integrate[%,x] Product[(x-i)^(-2/5),{i,0,3,1}] Integrate[%,x]
NDSolve crashes because there are a few points on the boundary where the PDE is not defined. I only care about the solution in the interior (where it is smooth) and not on the boundary. My boundary values are all continuous, but not differentiable...