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I don't see any issue with `SaveDefinitions -> True`.
How are you publishing the notebook to Cloud? You might want to use `SaveDefinitions -> True` option of the Manipulate function in your code.
> Then I don't know how to build the command which will give me an output of just the titles of the posts and their date. You can start with something like: reddit = ServiceConnect["Reddit", "New"]; financePosts =...
[@Ian Marius Peters][at0] [at0]: You can delete the saved connections using below commands( those are not documented though): In[11]:= savedConnections = ...
You should use CloudExport to export an expression in a specific format to the cloud. e.g. In[7]:= model = RevolutionPlot3D[ Piecewise[{ {y = 6, 0 None, RevolutionAxis -> {1, 0, 0}]; In[26]:= obj = CloudExport[model, "STL",...
Option `SessionProlog` was introduced in 11.3. It will be an invalid option for 11.2 Kernels. Hence the error.
Generally unmet dependencies can be resolved by `sudo apt-get -f install `
a-> You can get the Text for tweets by post processing the data returned from twitter api. ``` In[3]:= twitter = ServiceConnect["Twitter", "New"] Out[3]= ServiceObject["Twitter", "ID" -> "connection-daaea6b1e90f6335cc7d7da583b4899c"] ...
> sudo apt-get install wolfram-engine should update Mathematica provided you have raspbian stretch installed.
We have uploaded MRAALink 1.0.5 to public paclet server. You should be able to use it using PacletUpdate["MRAALink"]. ``` In[4]:= PacletSites[] ...