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Hi, The default PlotMarkers in GeoListPlot are not really Points, they are Insets. So you can make custom PlotMarkers like: GeoListPlot[{GeoPosition@a, GeoPosition@b}, PlotLegends -> Placed[{"A", "B"}, Bottom], PlotMarkers ->...
Hi Johan, Which exactly errors are you getting ? Thanks !
Hello. Have you tried using GeoSmoothHistogram?
Hi, That is a bug and we are working on a better parsing. We actually support FilledCurves bins or a list of Polygons, but not mixed. Thanks for noticing it. The USA GeoVariant includes 15 objects (Polygons and FilledCurves). For some reason...
GeoElevationData[] has a good amount of data for plotting 3d views of mountains and volcanoes. Here is an example for the Popocatépetl volcano located at the center of México. Notice that the x and y axis units were transformed to meters by...