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To find out the reason for the beep you can use an item under the Help menu: ![enter image description here][1] [1]:
It seems that `ListLinePlot` is expected. Try: Manipulate[ ListLinePlot@Table[n^p,{n,1,100}],{p,-1,1} ]
Maybe: trefoil[t_] := {Sin[t] - 2 Sin[2 t], Cos[t] + 2 Cos[2 t], -Sin[3 t]} ParametricPlot3D[trefoil[t],{t,0,2 Pi},Boxed->False,Axes->False, ViewPoint->{0,0,50},ViewVertical->{0,-1,0},PlotRange->4, ...
The documentation example returns `False` also in version 13.3. Version 12.3 gives the expected output.
David Park has developed a geometric (Grassmann) algebra package. Check his [community profile][1]. It has a dropbox link from where the package can be downloaded. [1]:
Jason, what is wrong with the `opt___Rule` method? Isn't this just a matter of coding style?
`ValueQ` was updated in 12.2. One gets the book behaviour with the option `Method->"Legacy"`. See documentation for `ValueQ`, the Details section. a[b][1] = x; ValueQ[a[b], Method -> "Legacy"]
I will try to answer three of your questions. 1) Each notebook has an option `CellContext`. The option value is stored within each notebook. 3) While preparing this post I have seen that the Evaluate[Context ... syntax is no longer needed....
You could represent the base, here 6, by a symbol: (a^40)/(a^20) (* a^20 *) In WolframAlpha: ![enter image description here][1] [1]:...