User Portlet User Portlet

Roger: A bit late but hope the following helps. ``` SetDirectory[$UserDocumentsDirectory]; data = Transpose[ Delete[Transpose [ReplaceAll[ Import["BP_readings_mathematica_test.xlsx", {"Data", 2}, HeaderLines...
Will this help: [LHC][1] [1]: "LHC"
Gregory: Try `` instead of `` as the server for port number 587 using StartLTS. Hans
Christoph: I can confirm Rohit suggested try. ![enter image description here][1] Follow instruction from linked post on custom entities. c1=RandomEntity["USCounty"] c2=RandomEntity["USCounty"] GeoGraphics[GeoMarker[{c1,c2}]] ...
Try data = AirTemperatureData[ "WRSP", {DateObject[{2017, 5, 1}], DateObject[{2017, 5, 10}]}]; Then GroupBy[Normal[ GroupBy[Normal[data], DateObject[First[#], "Day"] & -> Last]], DateObject[First[#], "Day"] &,...
Have you tried the following: Commonest[Flatten[Map[DayRound, Map[#["Dates"] & , ret], {2}]]] Also, I would redefine how you calculate 6 months from a given date (for example, Today) ret = FinancialData[#, "Return", {DatePlus[{-6,...
The first function `shuffleInterval[x_List, n_]` takes a `List` and an another vatiable `n`, with no constraints but assumed to be `Integer`(s); which returns a `List` of `Interval`(s) and original `Integer`(s) from `x` in position order as we are...
Guillermo: Please try the following: TITULO Choose one option: HTMLSelect[{"OpA","OpB","OpC","OpD"}, {"2.4*10^-5", "0.32*10^(-5)", "2.1*10^-6", "4.2*10^-5"}, "dcf",...
First the use of the term "atomic": I believe it is just a branding terminology from watch manufacturers So, I believe the poster is trying to have Mathematica generate a...
Gareth Russell: I was hoping someone else would jump on this but a possible solution is from [stackexchange][1] formz = FormObject[ {"None at all." -> 1, "Some stuff in high school." -> 2, "I have taken one or...