User Portlet User Portlet

Hi I have recently purchased Mathematica 11.2 but kept my old version Mathematica 10.4. When Printing the attached file Mathematica crashes, while my Mathematica 10.4 is quite happy to do it. The same problem occurs with printing any Documentation....
Is there a function in mathematica to remove the brackets around a list: Say {1,2,3} becomes 1,2,3. I tried Flatten it didn't work Thank You JME
Hi, Is there anyway to obtain the full plot of Folium of Descartes as parametrized by x=3t/(1+t^3), y=3t^2/(1+t^3) by ParametricPlot[..] Function in mathematica as there is a discontinuity at t = -1. Many thanks JME
1)Is there a way to declare a variable (say, x) to be treated as **real** during your Mathematica session in entire notebook? 2) The command Clear[symbol,...] clears Global variables or not? If not is it a way to clear all variables (Global as...
I use the plot command as follows Plot[(x^3-9x)/(x^2-1),{x, -10,10}] the function has two vertical Asymptote x=-1 and x=+1. Mathematica plots the function correctly . What I want to do is to plot the asymptotes as a dashed rather than a...
I want to ask Mathematica to evaluate Exp[2*n* Pi*I] treating n, as Integer. the answer is 1, but Mathematica writes Cos[2nPi]+I Sin[2n PI] so how to force n to be treating n as Integers? Thanks. JME
Hi every body, I don't understand the answer to this simple question: Suppose X,Y,Z are independent random variables show that X/Y and Y/Z are negatively correlated. I think that their correlation is zero. Can you help thanks JME
HI, Is there a simple way to do contour integral in Mathematica 7(home-edition)? A simple Ex: integral of 1/z on the unit circle abs(z)=1. Thanks Javad
thank you Mr Clarke You solved my problem. One just has to right click on the item you want to print and choose print picture this will do the job. Thanks JEmami