User Portlet User Portlet

Have you seen the built in function **ChampernowneNumber**?
[@Ian][at0], do you have some idea why did I get that error? -- See my comment above. [at0]:
This is nice application! When you say "*graphs are not as nice as in the desktop version*" what do you mean exactly?
If I understand correctly there is no closed explicit analytic expression for $y(x)$ of Brachistochrone -- only parametric. This is probably why it is hard to put it in this illustration. Not sure though.
Some relevant things: - - - -...
[@Richard][at0], this is very impressive work and thanks for making the Wolfram Function Repository entry. But which data are plotted on the very top animation for USA? If these are population densities it is a bit strange Florida is so low - should...
This is pretty cool! Thanks for sharing. Is the **seconds handle** position also precise? I am just very curious about this. Any references how you learned about this problem?
[@Hongyi Zhao][at0], every documentation page has "See Also" section. If you would have checked that section for Which you could easily find function Switch and examples of usage there:
Have you look into the new tools? Like Paclet Repository that marks new tech ear for packages development and also makes nice doc pages like this by hooking...
I simply love this one! Mesmerizing. So many phantom shapes. The center does not seem to move but it does unnoticeably almost. It is actually an illusion maker: stare at this for a few minutes then look at the code below and it will start moving in...