User Portlet User Portlet

Maarten van der Burgt
I am trying to visualize some region intersections in 3D. ## Example 1: ra = 10; ri = 5; R1 = RegionDifference[Ball[{0, 0, 0}, ra], Ball[{0, 0, ri - 1/2}, ri]]; Show[R1 // Region, Axes -> True] ![rendered result][1] ...
Halo, I have a set of measurements of a 3D shape in the form of a rectangular array (1000 x 1000) with z-values. The matrix location represents the x,y coordinates associated with each z-value. I want to compare these measurements with a numerical...
I installed Mathematica 11.1 the other day. After installation I cannot get Mathematica started by double clicking on a file in Windows Explorer. Right click and selecting Open With and then Wolfram Mathematica 11.1 does open the file correctly. I...
I have 4 functions. I want them to show up in a plot where I can switch on and off curves: f1[x_] := Cos[3 Sqrt[x]] f2[x_] := Sin[x] f3[x_] := Sin[2 x] f4[x_] := Sin[.2 x^2] Manipulate[ Plot[{g1[x], g2[x],...