User Portlet User Portlet

Manjunath Babu
Hello, ## I'm trying to add GeoLabels for a GeoListPlot of 2 Airports. I also need the plot to look like Wolfram|Alpha output. This is the Wolfram|Alpha Query: ![enter image description...
Use [ServiceConnect\[\]][1] function. There's a lot of new changes in the facebook api. Looks like it doesn't allow data of friends of friends unless they have given access to wolfram connect. So, i believe FriendNetwork plot is going to be hard...
When I hovered my mouse pointer on both points (See below GIF) , it shows (x:75, y:247) for the left longer line. (x:77, y:124) for the right shorter line. Its giving a correct output on my Mac, Mathematica v11. ![enter image description here][1]...
Hello [@Vitaliy Kaurov][at0] , I haven't taken Random Functions into account yet. JSON Template looks something like this: [ { "Number": "11.2", "Question": "Make a single string of the whole alphabet, in...
Another cloud option everyone can use is this. Running Mathematica on the Cloud with Rescale. Video:
I'm was analyzing a Dataset on Kaggle. By using the inbuilt classifier method "SupportVectorMachine", i got some accuracy. How do i perform Grid Search on SVM for improving accuracy? Is it still possible using Classify[] function?
What are some of Memoization techniques/functions you've come across in Wolfram Language for Optimization.
It worked. Thank you. In: StringReplace[IntegerName[35, "Words"], FromCharacterCode[8208] -> " "] Out: thirty five
Hello, is anyone facing similar bug while using GeoLabels? $Version 11.0.1 for Mac OS X x86 (64-bit) (September 21, 2016) ![GeoLabels Bug][1] [1]:...
After plotting this Graph, How do I visualize `3->14, 4->13, 6->9` that will be drawn **above the number line** like a loop or circle? Graph[Flatten[ Thread[{#[[1]]} -> {#[[2]]}] & /@ Partition[Range[15], 2, 1]], VertexLabels...