User Portlet User Portlet

Matthew Sottile
![enter image description here][1] &[Wolfram Notebook][2] [1]: [2]:
I haven't tried it yet myself, but browsing the code for the Python library it looks like you can specify your own installation location via the environment variable WOLFRAM\_INSTALLATION\_DIRECTORY . That gets checked before the library attempts...
By efficiency, do you mean the efficiency of the code (performance), or efficiency of the programmer (productivity)? This has been a very long-standing debate in the programming languages community. There is no definitive answer to your question....
I tried the code from your post on my MacBook Pro 2018 with Mathematica 11.3, and after running for a few seconds the kernel quit without producing a result. Looks like it's not your OS or machine - seems more likely that your code is tickling a bug...
I'm using random data for test input. If each image has 80 lines to be rendered with my code above, then I would generate it as: i=Table[RandomReal[{0, 1}, 9], {i, 1, 80}] render[i]//AbsoluteTiming Your code is going to be faster as...
It looks like they are available from the Mathematica Journal web site. I looked up the [issue where the first article came from][1], and the electronic supplements are available via a [link at the top][2]. The second issue is [here][3]. ...
Sure. It’s worth noting that the curvature given by that method is the curvature of the shape smoothed by the Gaussian of a given width. It’s sometimes easier to interpret in terms of the smoothed curve instead of the original points.
That documentation is why I asked. From the linked page: Exporting WDF Export — export WDF to a file (.wdf, .wdf.nb, .wdf.json, etc.) That, along with the discussion of datasets and associations on that page, implies some export...
I looked more closely, and it is true - all of the inequalities can be reduced to {p1==p2, p2==p3, ..., p18==p19}, which means that a solution must assign the same value to all of the p's. The sum p1+p2+...+p19=58 is unsatisfiable if all of the...
Regarding timing, you should be able to use the timing function: for example, one run: In[6]:= {time, count} = CountGames[21] // Timing Out[6]= {0.000357, 51} The time variable will hold the timing, and the count variable is the...