User Portlet User Portlet

Hi Neil, I've converted manipulate into animate and set the animation rate to 0.1. now it's working perfectly fine in mathematica, but when i export that animation into a .MOV file it is still very fast. Could you please help me out with this? I'm...
Thanks a lot Neil, it's working on the Mac now. Regards.
That's a great explanation Erik, I really appreciate this idea you have given to me. Thank you very much
Hi i'm trying to plot disks of radius =(1-f[x]), so that it makes a sphere, as we know that the volume of a cylinder having height=2 radius - the volume of the cone having radius r, is always equal to the volume of a sphere having radius r. but i...
How can i combine these plots in a single manipulate. I'll be very much thankful of your help please. Clear[x, t, n]; h[x_] := x; a = 0; b = 1; startpos[k_] := a + (k - 1) 0.01; a1 = Plot[{1, -1, t, -t}, {t, 0, 1},...
Thank you Very much dear Neil Singer, could you please plot the fft, Regards
Hi Louis how you doing? I've tried these assumptions but still getting no answer :(
Hi, I'm trying to manipulate a Parametric Plot, but I clearly see its not working because I'm not able to fix it, that's why I would love some help. Regards Manipulate[ParametricPlot[{r Cos[x], r Sin[y]}, {y,1,k}, {x, 0, n}, Mesh -> Full],...
Thanks a lot Gianluca Gorni
Thanks Gianluca Gorni, but unfortunately i'm not getting the same answer.