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Hi, I solve this third-order differential equations and obtain f1(y) Clear["Global`*"] f0[y_] := ((Cosh[a0 t] - Cosh[y t]) Csch[a0 t])/t DSolve[{f1'''[y] - f1'[y] Cos[\[Alpha]] + (3 f0'[y])/(2 f0[y]) == 0, f1'[0] == 0,...
Hi, I want to calculate the area of the maple leaf in cm^2. ![enter image description here][1] I have tried this img = Binarize@ Import[""]~ Erosion~1; (m =...
Hi, I have problem to plot this equation \[Psi](y,z)=( k[y]' z^2 (k[y]-z))/(8k[y] ); where k[y]'=Sqrt[(1-k[y]/p)(1-k[y] p Cos[\[Alpha]]- k[y] Log[k[y]/p])] and I am expected to get this kind of graph ![enter image description...
Hi, I have problem to integrate this equation w.r.t. x. Integrate[x^3/Sqrt[(1 - x) (1 - x a^2 Cos[\[Alpha]]) - 3 a x Log[x]], {x, 0, 1}] Can anyone help me with this problem? Thanks in advance!