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Nick Lariviere
![enter image description here][1] &[Wolfram Notebook][2] [1]: [2]:...
*MODERATOR NOTE: This is the notebook used in the livestream "Understand Time, Date and Calendars" on Wednesday, March 8 -- a part of Wolfram R&D livestream series announced and scheduled here: For questions about this...
Hello everyone! I am excited to present my talk “Understand Time, Date and Calendars” this coming Wednesday, March 8th (that is, if you're using the Gregorian calendar anyway)! I will be giving an overview of the different concepts of time,...
This is definitely bad behavior on the part of UnitConvert, which is mistaking DegreesRankine for a temperature difference unit since it has a fundamental zero value at absolute zero, and a non-zero unit scale (which is what temperature difference...
Thanks for putting this analysis together Benjamin, I've gone through the details you put together as well as the github repository you linked. As you noted in the description, some of the differences are down to extra features like time zone/time...
I've put together a Dataset of some minimal sample data for a 1-month period(24,000 vehicle records) which I've hosted in a public cloud object for anyone who's interested in it: CloudGet[ CloudObject[ ...
If you don't have version 10, and want something that should work in both versions, you can probably do something like: CountryData[#, "Population"] /. q_Quantity :> QuantityMagnitude[q] and CountryData[#, EnergyTypes[[nrgN]] ...
I believe this should work for you from NotebookA: SelectionMove[NotebookB, All, Notebook]; SelectionEvaluate[NotebookB] KernelB should do the evaluations, and you should see the results in NotebookB, without KernelA picking up any...
Hey Christopher, thanks for pointing this out. We've found the source of the issue and it should be getting fixed server-side in not too long(you won't need to update anything, it will just start working when the fix has gone through it's testing...
Use the following instead: Print[Framed[ Row[{"v = ", NumberForm[Quantity[10.38, ("Meters")/("Seconds")], 2]}]]] The issue you were having was because `"v=" NumberForm[...]` means `Times["v=",NumberForm[...]]` and so the...