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Interesting Read!
You can use NSolve: NSolve[(8*t^3 - 6*t + 1 == 0), t] This gives {{t -> -0.939693}, {t -> 0.173648}, {t -> 0.766044}} For exact solutions: ComplexExpand@Solve[(8*t^3 - 6*t + 1 == 0), t]
Hi. I am trying to use Import to read a webpage, but it doesn't seem to work. Please help. website = "" websiteData = Import[website] websiteData just ends up as a blank...
Hi! I am trying to extract the images stored on a particular page of a pdf. I can open the page using the following code: Import["c:\\ABCDE.pdf", {"Pages", 4}] How would I go about importing all the images only on this page? The below...
Hi! Have a quick question about Date/Time calculations. Let's say I have two dates+times. Then I can use the following function to find the hours between the two date/times: a1 ={2015, 8, 4, 20, 34, 0.`} a2={2015, 8, 6, 9, 39, 0.`} ...
Sorry if I wasn't clear in my question. Let assume I have the following list (a) of text elements. Then how do I convert it to a list of normal elements, i.e. text and numbers? a = {"1", "2", "3", "4", "test*", , "6", "7"} ...
Hi Otto, Thank you for your comments. Yes I am indeed trying to run a regression (chose x to minimize ||Ax-b|| ) but with the additional constraint that, for the elements of x: x=0 *or* lb
Hi! I am trying to find all the possible weights that sum to one: weights = Table[0.05*i,{i,0,20}] (* list of weights *) n= 2 alltuples =Tuples[weights,n]; (*generate all tuples *) Length[alltuples] (* number of tuples there are...
Thanks Jim! That's exactly what I needed. Yes I have both many rows and columns, so speed is of the essence. I have also noted your comments on stability, which will be important to keep track of, when using the brute-force method. Cheers!
PlotLegends -> Placed[LineLegend[c, LegendLabel -> "Solar Concentration"], {Scaled[{0.5, 0.5}], {0.5, 0.5}}] This might work. You need to change the numbers however.