User Portlet User Portlet

Hi, I want to solve system of PDE equations with boundary conditions (image1), but at first, I want to setup a formulation (notebook1). My formulation send an error that "Derivative::novar: \[PartialD](f[\[Eta]]') cannot be interpreted. A partial...
Hi , I want to solve an Laplace Equation by 3 Neumann Boundary (bottom , left , right) and a Dirichlet Boundary (top), i write a code but i dont know how to complete it by repalce Boundaries , please help me. Best regards Saleh ...
Hi I want to use ListPlot to show the answers of DSolve equation at A
Hi I have the program for solving equations by FDM & FEM , so i need the program in DynamicModule that show both FDM & FEM results to see the difference between them , and i want to present them by DynamicModule for better & professional...
My program about solving equation , then when it finished , by looping , by another order when you ask which answer of solving equation , it plot it . i think i describe it awfully !!!! ![enter image description here][1] [1]:...