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UnitStep[threshold - outtable]
Here is the frame version of video saved as .mov. You can change step size of Table in this case 30. If you want fast movie, increase stepsize. video = Table[ Graphics3D[ {{GrayLevel[.7], Line[space[[1 ;; t]]]}, {Red, ...
I am not sure this is right but this is what I did. maxsize = 1; arcinterval = maxsize/5.0; ticksize = 0.02; frameticksoffset = 0.02; label = "Standard deviation"; corrlabel = "Correlation"; radialcolor =...
This is more convenient, at least for me. Rest@Flatten@RealDigits[E, 10, 200]
Here is my try. How can I store the values and plot list? Can someone check I am doing right? Probably Reap&Sow is the way to do it. I basically need last list of each row to plot. Thanks in advance. SeedRandom@12; x =...
I asked the same question 2 years ago :)
In Mathematica imaginary number is I not i.
Do you think this works for you sol = Flatten@ DSolve[{u''''[x] + u''[x] + u[x] == 0, u[0] == 1, u'[0] == 2, u[1] == 3, u'''[1] == 5}, u[x], x]; Plot[u[x] /. sol, {x, 1, 10}] d = Table[u[x] /. sol, {x, 1, 10}] // N ...
Hi All, I am trying to implement Metropolis–Hastings algorithm to find parameters. I basically followed the pdf attachment. It seems it works but gives me off parameters. Note: This is the Metropolis algorithm not Metropolis–Hastings algorithm. I...