User Portlet User Portlet

If the only problem is the wrong extension I think it would be much easier, and much faster to do from the command line unzip 20230101.export.CSV mv 20230101.export.CSV 20230101.export.TSV
Also, once a hypergraph has been iterated many times and spacetime emerges, is there any advantage to not using regular old lattice gauge theory? And if there is no advantage, it strengthens my claim above, that two-valued edges are too simple to...
What computer configuration are you using? I've been calculating for 2 hours but still no results.
Thanks for the trial version of SM 14 it permits easily to follow along. Granted this question is most likely not part of this training, however I ask in case you can lead me to a good reference on structuring a new Media in Modelica. The media...
Thank you, I am still having issues. The end goal is to get these datasets for various routes to be able to compare them statistically, but I am having trouble getting the list of numbers into something that is usable. Do you have any general advice...
You can [plug in your own method]( into `SumConvergence`. Here's a start. Adapt as desired. groupTermsCheck // ClearAll; groupTermsCheck[nTerms_, OptionsPattern[]][expr_, k_] := Module[{j}, ...
The issue is here: ``` /; _First ``` The `/;` means that you write some test afterward—not only is `_First` not a component of a test, but it's not the correct pattern syntax. Recall that what follows a `Blank` (`_`) should be a _head_ to be...
Maybe this is too complex of a problem to model accurately? Just thinking, does Mathematica have any detailed models of a single atom? Maybe this should be the first step - to build a detailed gravity model of a single atom?
Thanks. Instructive.
The w and y steps used are available with psi["Coordinates"] /. First@pdesol As for the method: 1) For the `Method` option, it's always the first occurrence that is used. 2) For the PDE method, it's the method of lines. 3) I assume...