User Portlet User Portlet

Hi. i'm using Mathematica version 9.0. i also works with MATLAB. first i imported a data base from MATLAB to Mathematica with a parser that i wrote in mathematica, for reading all the fields of the data base. after, i did some staff with the...
Ok, thanks, i did it with Manipulate like you said but i wrapped Show that wrapped ListPlot3D With[ { mtrx = Transpose[points], range = {Min[#], Max[#]} & /@ points } , Manipulate[ Column[ { Row[{ind, "\t", mtrx[[ind]]}]...
Hi, i'm using Mathematica 9.0 (i can upgrade if needed) for several weeks, and work's with 6 parameters in 3 axis. roll ,azimuth, elevetion ,x,y,z. I did animated graph for in 2D for el,rl el,az, y,x y,z... and now i would like to have an animated...