User Portlet
Discussions |
Yes, that does it. Thank you very much, Chiel Geeraert |
Thank you both. I was not very clear why I was not satisfied with my own solution . In my solution I had al those empty "{}". But as you showed in your solution with a simple 'Flatten" command I got rid of them. Something I overlooked completely. ... |
Hartelijk dank voor uw reactie. Ik had het probleem zelf ook gevonden , maar ik ben nog niet zo ervaren in Mathematica dus ik had alle dubbele met de hand opgespoord en eruit gegooid. Daar ben ik wel even mee bezig geweest ! Uw oplossing is fraai... |
Well , after a few hours of trying the problem is solved. I didn't set up correctly in Excel. I had a list of two columns of names which I want to combine with 'UndirectedEdges' In Excel I already concatened the strings and imported them in... |
Hi Dave, Thank you for your answer. Paul Wellin has example Notebooks where the given example runs flawlessly , but not with me. Next time I use the Mathematica code as given in the Guidelines. Best regards Chiel |
Works. I made a mistake, which i see now : using "=" instead of " : =" Tried everything but overlooked that. Thank you very much Chiel Geeraert, The Netherlands |