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CUDALink in M9 does not support VS2013 . I either suggest installing an earlier version of VS or upgrading to M10. |
It is also a Lucas-Carmichel number. n = 2015; factors = FactorInteger[n][[All, 1]]; AllTrue[factors + 1, Divisible[n + 1, #] &] `True` See this link: [LucasCarmichael number][1] -adk- [1]:... |
I know there is a LeastSquares function, but I am wondering how you'd implement it using FindMinimum? For example: [code] In[148]:= A={{1,1},{1,2},{1,3}}; b={7,7,8}; In[154]:= FindMinimum[Norm[A.k-b],{k,ConstantArray[0,Last@Dimensions[A]]}] During... |
and this is quite a bit faster than Sasha's [mcode]PeakDetect4 = Compile[{{data, _Real, 1}, {width, _Integer}, {cut, _Real}}, (Table[0, {width}]~Join~ UnitStep[ Take[data, {1 + width, -1 - width}] - Map[Mean, Partition[data,... |
The problem is the Compile does not support Interpolation, so it will call the main evaluator. One way around that is to implement your own interpolator, but that requires a bit more code. |
you cannot use CUDA but you should be able to use OpenCL. |