User Portlet User Portlet

Adiba Shaikh
Hi Katja, Nice work! I am not able to view the cloud file. Please change the access permission to "public".
![enter image description here][1] &[Wolfram Notebook][2] [1]: [2]:
Multiple constraints on the variable (here, **ps**) are written with **And (&&)** between them. A minor change gets your code to work. In[1]:= Minimize[{(1.64*1*Sqrt[3 + 1 + 1]) + (Ceiling[(7*5), ps]/2) + 6, 1 1}}
Hi Alex, You are welcome! Now that I understand what you meant - let me provide you with a more specific response. You can check the historical data in any of the previously mentioned `EntityClass` of weather stations as follows. For...
To get the list of the first 100 primes, we can use the `Prime` function and assign it to a variable **primes**: In[12]:= primes = Prime[Range[100]] Out[12]= {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, \ 59,...
You are applying the raising operator to the maximal state of angular momentum. Perhaps that is the reason you are not getting the eigenvalue. In fact, applying the `lRaising` to the minimal state with the eigenvalue ***-l***: ...
Modifying your code slightly as follows should give you the temperature values: phx = CityData[{"Phoenix", "Arizona", "UnitedStates"}] (* wdTemp=WeatherData[phx,"Temperature",{{2021,6,30},{2021,10,2}}] *) wdTempJuly =...
Not using `Interval` will give a single value with unit: IsotopeData["Uranium235", "HalfLife"] (Output: 2.22*10^16 s) QuantityUnit@IsotopeData["Uranium235", "HalfLife"] (Output: Seconds)
Hi Mike, Thank you. WIS22 stands for **W**olfram **I**ndia **S**chool 20**22**.