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Hi, Andrew, It is not quite clear what are you after. in your first list, `{ { {x1,y1,z1},{x2,y2,z2},...}` you have different values of z, so how do you imagine yourself the coloring? Further, your second list is exactly the same as the first one....
Yes, it is possible. As soon as you have an equation we might be in the position to help you further. Have fun!
Hi, Inkwan, Your expression contains a syntax error. It is not possible to use the expressions like [Eta], [Eta]^2 etc., since the square brackets are reserved to only be used for arguments of functions. So I did not use you whole example, but a...
And what happened to DMUG?
Help calling up a specfic answer
I usually do this way:[mcode]Manipulate[ td = Table[N[Sin[(2 Pi freq t) + phi]], {t, 0, numPts, 1/sampleRate}]; ListLinePlot[td, ImageSize -> Medium], {{numPts, 150, Dynamic@Panel[ Row[{Style["Points number= ", Blue, 12], ...