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Discussions |
Hi, Andrew, It is not quite clear what are you after. in your first list, `{ { {x1,y1,z1},{x2,y2,z2},...}` you have different values of z, so how do you imagine yourself the coloring? Further, your second list is exactly the same as the first one.... |
Yes, it is possible. As soon as you have an equation we might be in the position to help you further. Have fun! |
Hi, Inkwan, Your expression contains a syntax error. It is not possible to use the expressions like [Eta], [Eta]^2 etc., since the square brackets are reserved to only be used for arguments of functions. So I did not use you whole example, but a... |
And what happened to DMUG? |
Help calling up a specfic answer |
I usually do this way:[mcode]Manipulate[ td = Table[N[Sin[(2 Pi freq t) + phi]], {t, 0, numPts, 1/sampleRate}]; ListLinePlot[td, ImageSize -> Medium], {{numPts, 150, Dynamic@Panel[ Row[{Style["Points number= ", Blue, 12], ... |